
My fellow Arizonians, and to all who want good government everywhere, I bring you these words:

It has taken awhile, probably too long now, but I would like to run for Governor of Arizona.

After talking to the Democratic Party of Arizona they suggested I run as a Republican.
After talking to the Republican Party they hinted I should run as an Independent.
They both said that an unknown with NO political experience has absolutely no chance of winning a major nomination for their respective parties let alone the election.

Everyone who has been old enough to vote for the last 10-years knows that running as an Independent may be desirable but not practical.
Only one of the two major parties are ever going to hold an important office such as Governor of Arizona.
What does this say about our political system?

Both parties, Democrat and Republican, have all ready secretly hand picked their crony for the election, and there not going to let some voter like you and I get in the way.

The entire election process is corrupted.
The people no longer have any faith in career politicians, and why should they.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
I know I need to get started ASAP.

I can do one thing if elected Governor, bring jobs to Arizona and put people to work.

Please share your thoughts with me.


  1. Someone posted your BLOG on CL-Phoenix , so I am responding. I don't see how this surprises you one bit. Just wait till around 2012-2014 the entire country will be bankrupt and in ruin , and the two major parties will become extinct.

  2. Jimbo, Chandler, AZNovember 14, 2009

    I also saw this on craigslist, I concur this attitude shouldn't surprise the intelligent mind.

  3. Once and for all, wake-up there is NO difference between a republican and a democrat.

  4. Dedicated LiberalNovember 14, 2009

    Blah Blah Blah - Liberals are here to stay, Arizona is next on the list to be consumed so get over it!

  5. You are preaching too drug addicts, drunks, the unemployed, and in general losers - that's all you can find on CL

  6. My Mommy says STFU

  7. Stink on a stick, republicans suck, democrats rule.

  8. Jake in MesaNovember 14, 2009

    Sounds like you are all ready a politician - you are a cry baby!

  9. Nigga Please, send your stupidity to Obama, he likes stupid people, after all he is the QUENN of stupid!

  10. Sounds like a typical whining woman, who cares, Arizona has had enough women running this government and fucking it up.

  11. an independent voterNovember 14, 2009

    So there - just what the hell are you offering and how would you get these jobs? Y
    ou sound like a democrat, just like Obama,
    America is still waiting for the Two Million Jobs Obama promised.

  12. I don't vote - therefore, I don't care

  13. hey theres i si illegal so whats u doing for me

  14. I am the Ruler of CL in Phoenix and you didn't have my permission to post here, so piss off

  15. Perhaps my strange co-worker will vote for you.



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